Postpartum Hair Loss Survival Guide

While it’s normal to lose about 50-100 hairs per day, it’s also normal for the amount of hair lost postpartum to jump up to as many as 400 strands per today. Excessive hair shedding (formally known as telogen effluvium amongst doctors and hair specialists) is evident about three to six months after having a baby. Don’t worry, it won’t last forever.

During pregnancy, the body creates more of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen is responsible for assisting in the growth of the uterus and proper formation of the placenta; its beloved side effect is a change in the hair’s growth pattern. Progesterone helps prep the body for delivery. For nine months when you’re expecting, the influx of hormones can result in super thick, shiny hair that’s goddess-like. During this time the regular shedding process dramatically slows down. The normal shedding portion of the growth cycle comes to a halt as the hairs are kept in the growing phase for longer than normal due to the influx of estrogen.

Anywhere from three to six months or more after delivering a baby, the body experiences a steep drop in the production of estrogen, bringing it back to baseline. This redirection of estrogen signals the body to resume normal shedding. Now instead of the hairs sporadically falling out as they should be, the shedding process is synced up. That’s why it seems like all of a sudden, you’re losing a ton of hair.

The severity of postpartum hair loss varies from woman to woman. Some women experience just a small patch of thinning whereas others encounter clumps of hair loss, which is evident in what accumulates in their hairbrush or at their shower drain, on their pillow. Postpartum hair loss tends to occur on the temples, but it can also affect the part and overall hairline.

Excessive hair shedding isn’t going to fix itself overnight, but it isn’t going to stick around for the long term either. Even if you do absolutely nothing, the natural evening out of your hormones will put your hair back on the track to normal and healthy. However, there are plenty of things you can do in the interim to make up for the unsolicited changes in volume, thickness, and strength to last anywhere from a few months to up to one year. Follow these tips to get your hair back to healthy in next to no time: