30 days to better skin: How to improve your complexion in one month

Looking to change your skin for the better?

While most skincare requires consistency, the good news is that with a little dedication, changes can start to appear as the skin completes each regular turnover cycle. On average, this process takes approximately four weeks, meaning you may start to notice positive benefits after just one month.

For some easy ways to support skin improvement in rapid time, here are a few transformational tips:

Try Double cleansing a few times per week

Although it isn’t necessary to double cleanse every day, most people can benefit from doing a double cleanse a handful of times each week to help deeply clean the pores and remove stubborn residue from the surface of your skin. To get the most of your double cleanse, opt for a creamy or oil-based cleanser first, to help break down makeup and soften the skin. Then, go in with a gentle gel or foaming cleanser to balance and purify. Spend about two minutes on each step, followed by rinsing thoroughly and patting the skin dry.

Commit to daily collagen

As we age, one of the first things to break down in the skin is collagen, which is what gives the skin its plump and supple texture. While the deterioration of collagen is a natural part of the aging process, recent research indicates that taking collagen supplements on a regular basis, can actually help to promote new collagen and aid the skin in maintaining its youthful appearance. For an easy way to keep your collagen intake on track, Hush & Hush’s TimeCapsule formula contains marine collagen, as well as a unique ingredient called Polypodium Leucotomos that prevents UV damage

Amp up antioxidant Protection

If you are looking to supercharge your product routine, a perfect place to start is by adding some antioxidants. For example, Vitamin C is a powerful skin booster that works to brighten the skin and boost skin immunity, while Vitamin E is great for providing environmental protection and strengthening the skin. Vitamin A – also known in some forms as retinol – is another good option, as it works to keep the skin regenerating and rejuvenating at a more youthful rate and prevents premature skin aging.

Treat yourself to a facial massage

An easy (and enjoyable!) step to implement into any routine is facial massage. The practice of regularly stimulating your skin with gentle massage has many benefits including increased blood flow to the skin for nourishing the skin cells, as well as helping to naturally lift, sculpt and contour the face. To add it to your skincare you can use just your hands or incorporate a tool such as a jade roller, gua sha stone, or ice roller. Just 5-10 minutes per day can do wonders for lowering stress levels and infusing your skin with a healthy glow.

Add a step with supplements

In addition to collagen, you might also consider adding a vitamin booster that is specifically designed for your skin such as SkinCapsule: Clear+ by Hush&Hush Reports from recent clinical studies are in and the results are nothing short of incredible.

– 100% of Participants saw an improvement in skin clarity
– 85% of Participants saw an improvement in regulation of oil production
– 85% of Participants saw an improvement in overall skin smoothness

Clear+ is a vegan supplement which focuses on conquering stubborn breakouts once and for all and put your skin on the path to clear. This skin balancing, anti-blemish supplement is formulated with clean, clinical, plant-based ingredients and botanicals to help reduce pore-clogging oil, soothe red and inflamed skin and lessen breakouts on the face, chest, back, and beyond.

Tried-and-true skin-perfecting ingredients, like antioxidant-rich vitamin A, skin clearing pantothenic acid and anti-inflammatories such as zinc and selenium, work alongside herbs and botanicals to clear up clogged pores, diminish overactive oil production and bacteria and reduce inflammation for clean, clear, flawless skin.